When we started this Zwift group and racing teams all those years ago our name was “Zwift Community Team IRL”. At the time it was legally incorrect to use the name “Zwift” in our name and therefore we decided to change it to “Team IRL Cycling”.
As we all know with the current worldwide pandemic and lock downs, Zwift has become a place where we can race and meet friends. Our community has grown from less than a hundred women and men using the Zwift meetup function to over 4400 members providing official Zwift racing slots and organised leagues. We are one of the biggest Zwiftpower teams in the world. Our racing teams are tearing up the racing circuit and things are getting bigger.
Our existence has always been about cycling without borders whether it be riding for the craic or racing. Our motto is cycling without borders. We are an all inclusive group and welcome everyone who wants to jump into the world of Zwift.
We’ve been pondering this for months and have finally made a decision on the future of this community/team. There has always been confusion around our name since inception and in order for us to achieve our own identity; our racing teams from being thought of as representing their country officially and conflicting with Cycling Ireland, we need to separate away from the IRL brand.
The separation with the name will help us create a better racing team and race identity whist at the same time bringing together all teams and organisations from all around the country.
We WILL keep Team IRL Facebook group as it is, but rebrand it as Ireland Virtual Cycling so keep an eye out for this. We will also keep our Team IRL Facebook page and rebrand it as Team RWB #ridingwithoutborders | #racingwithoutborders
Representatives from Cycling Ireland and Triathlon Ireland to name a few along with ourselves and some other teams will use the group to post and create events, ride reports and anything Zwift related. You will see a full calendar of events with the idea that all riders will have a multitude of races, workouts and social rides to choose from any day of the week.
Today we are announcing our new riding, racing and event name: RWB – “#ridingwithoutborders | #racingwithoutborders”. Our new brand #rwb hosts its social, workouts & racing events standalone from Ireland Virtual Cycling. Our Zwiftpower team name will change to RWB, you will not need to do anything, this will happen automatically.
Ireland Virtual Cycling remains the identity of how it started but transforms into a virtual cycling hub for all Irish Virtual Cycling and beyond. It will be used as a platform to showcase the official Zwift events Irish teams/clubs have to offer.
In terms of priority it will be
- Social sharing platform, our virtual cycling FAQ section for all the how-to’s, help and suggestions. A place for people to interact and ask questions and have some fun, maybe even some healthy rivalry.
- Area for all virtual social rides, workouts and race events in Ireland to be shared by representatives of the various governing bodies and Zwift team, including our own.
- Ride reports shared for said events.
Our new brand #rwb will promote its social, workouts and racing events on the Ireland Virtual Cycling group and it’s also the go to place where folks find out what Irish offerings are on everyday of the week from the likes of Cycling Ireland, Triathlon Ireland to name a few and any other new clubs/teams that (will) appear.
The one stop shop for all things virtual cycling Ireland.
Team IRL Facebook group becomes Ireland Virtual Cycling
Team IRL Facebook page becomes Team RWB
Zwiftpower- Team IRL Cycling becomes Team RWB
We know there have been some queries about the new kit and we wanted to announce the changes to the community and racing before we chose our new supplier going into 2021. We have designed mock ups and are in the process of narrowing down potential kit suppliers.
We will endeavor to always provide the same service and platform to the community that we always have and improve on it where we can.
Thank you to each and everyone one of you for your continued support.
RWB Admin Team
Ride on